Top 1000 Montbeliarde and Fleckvieh Cows Ranked on £PLI - {{results}} results
The new AHDB Dairy Breeding+ website has been developed to help farmers make their own breeding decisions in a practical and user-friendly way. To use the filters -
Click on chosen filter (£PLI/FI/SCC etc.) and move slider to chosen value
Repeat exercise until all desired criteria completed
Click 'Show my results' in the green box below the filters
The number of bulls meeting the criteria is shown in orange above the filters
The bulls meeting the criteria can now be viewed by scrolling down the page
Individual bull factsheets can be seen by clicking on the bull name
By checking the box to the left of the bull name followed by the green 'compare' button (found to the left above the list of bulls) direct comparisons can be made between selected bulls
At any time you can amended your search criteria by adjusting the sliding bars on the filters or start again by selecting 'reset'
If you amend your filters remember to select 'show my results' each time
When using these filters we recommend that you are realistic in the criteria you select, for example; if you filter for +£250 on £PLI, +250kg milk, +5kg fat, +5kg protein, +0.01% fat, +0.02% protein, +6 FI, +0.1 LS and -10 SCC the results displayed will only be bulls meeting or exceeding this criteria. TIP By using your AHDB Dairy Herd Genetic Report you will be able to use these filters to maintain strengths and address genetic weaknesses in your herd.
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